Cesar Romeo & Carole's Friendship

Carole Landis Cesar Romero
Carole and Cesar Romero

Cesar Romero was Carole's best friend and her favorite leading man.She met him in 1941 when they costarred in the musical Dance Hall. Carole described Cesar as a gentleman with perfect manners. He escorted her to many Hollywood events and they often went out dancing together. They would make three more films together - A Gentleman At Heart, Wintertime, and Orchestra Wives. Although gossip columnists claimed they were dating Cesar was gay so there was no romance. It's rumored he once offered to marry Carole as a friend but she refusedIn an interview she said "Cesar Romero, beside being the greatest dance partner I've ever danced with, is the most, how shall I say it, soothing person. When you're with him you can completely relax, be at ease. You don't have to worry about making conversation, you can be absolutely natural. He is so sympathetic. He is one of those fellows everybody likes; he never puts on airs, is sensible, understanding, kindly, truly chivalrous. Just an all around good guy." The last time Cesar saw Carole was a few weeks before she died. He later said "She told me she was very unhappy. She looked very ill". Cesar was one of the pallbearers at her funeral. He died in 1994 at the age of eighty-six. 

Carole Landis Cesar Romero

Carole Landis Cesar RomeroCarole Landis Cesar Romero
After Carole died Cesar wrote a letter about her for her fan club ...

"My dear Carole, I have been asked by some of your fans to write something about you in the way of a tribute so that it may be published in the club journal. I confess this is a job I have never had to do before and I don't know just how to start, so don't be too angry if I don't do you justice. You left the stage of life way too soon my dear and your friends and fans miss you very much. Personally I am very happy and proud to have been one of your friends and to have had the honor of working with you in four pictures. There was never a dull day on the set with you. Your lovely face, the warmth of your personality, your vitality and delightful sense of humor were something I always looked forward to and which made the average working day truly a pleasure. I remember the fun we had when we made "Dance Hall" together and what a wonderful sport you were on the nights that we had to work until five o'clock in the morning. You never complained about a thing, but took it in your stride as part of your job and loved every minute of it. I'm afraid that couldn't be said about all our fair ladies of the screen. You were a good actress Carole and you owe it only to yourself. You worked hard, studied and learned a great deal in a very short time. What is more important, you were a good daughter, sister and aunt. You loved your family and never shirked your duty toward them. You helped them in every way possible and brought them much happiness. Of that you can be extremely proud. I think that I can say in all honesty that you did more than your share in life. Your record during the war will always stand as a monument to your memory. The boys that you entertained overseas will never forget and neither will their families. You brought them cheer and a touch of home when they really needed it most. That was a tough job, as I know only too well, but as usual you sailed through it with flying colors - a trooper if there ever was one. You were a fine girl Carole, and you made every moment of your life count. I only wish that life had treated you as kindly as you treated it. As I said before, I'm proud to have been your friend. Sleep well my dear."

Carole Landis Cesar Romero 1941

Carole Landis Cesar Romero 1941Carole Landis Cesar Romero

Carole Landis Cesar Romero 1941Carole Landis Cesar Romero

Carole Landis Cesar RomeroCarole Landis Cesar Romero Article